Slavnom kuharu predvidjeli još 12 mjeseci života

Piše: Redakcija

Kako prenosi “Daily Mail”, poznati britanski kuhar Tim Bilton otkrio je da mu je preostalo još samo 12 mjeseci života, a zbog toga što mu je već treći put dijagnosticiran rak.   

– Oko Božića prošle godine osjetio sam bol ispod koljena. Mislio sam da je od sportske povrede, ali se ispostavilo da se rak proširio u kosti noge, te da je došao u stadij u kojem je neizlječiv. Kada me je doktor nazvao, osjećao sam se kao da me voz pregazio. Ne znam hoće li terapija djelovati, ali bez nje mi je ostalo 12 mjeseci života – otkrio je on. 

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Ten years ago very driven youngish chef first restaurant (Gaston pub) award winning. Then bang 💥2013 the #bigc changed my world and out look on the world forever. First time hid myself away for about six months only communicating with Adele #rock. But this time I’ve decided to be open and honest and talk about what is happening to me with this #cancer. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of women out there that talk about cancer but very few men. So this is my attempt at talking about what I’m going through and hopefully help someone else who may be finding it hard. I will be very open and honest and true to who I am. Some times funny but sometimes hard but fuck it when you are fighting incurable cancer what the fuck. So here is my blog (massive thank you and big hugs to Nikki @cannonhallfarm with out you I could not do this x) so here it is on a knife edge #fuckcancer #stage4cancer #menscancer #youmebigc #immunotherapy #steriods #family #love #keepmovingforward

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Podsjećamo, Tim ima 47 godina, a rak mu je prvi put otkriven 2013. godine, da bi se vratio godinu kasnije.  Danas je u stadiju u kojem je, očigledno, neizlječiv. 

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