Preminula udovica Bate Živojinovića

Piše: Redakcija

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Udovica pokojne srbijanske legende Velimira Bate Živojinovića, Lula, preminula je u Beogradu u 83. godini nakon kratke bolesti, javljaju mediji.

– Poslije kratke i teške bolesti danas je preminula naša draga majka, sestra i baka Lula. Njena vedra duša, njena snaga i optimizam učinila bas je boljim ljudima. Sada nas negdje gore sa svojim Batom pazi i čuva – piše na Instagram profilu glumca.

Podsjetimo, Bata Živojinović preminuo je u 83. godini 22. maja 2016. u bolnici Sveti Sava u Beogradu. Nasahranu su došle mnoge javne osobe među kojima su Lepa Brena i Boba Živojinović, Lazar Ristovski, Milorad Mandić Manda… Lula je bila vidno potresena i uplakana je ljubila lijes u kojem je njn Bata. Dugo se nije mogla odvojiti od lijesa i samo je stajala kraj njega i plakala.

– Živjela je u kući preko moga pozorišta. Snimio sam je odmah. Svidjela mi se, ali je bila premlada. Imala je 17, a ja 24 godine. Stalno sam joj nešto dobacivao, sve u stilu ‘čuvaj se mala, jer kad porasteš, bit ćeš moja’. S vremenom smo se zbližili i počeli se zabavljati. Potrošio sam godine na udvaranje, ali mi je sve ostalo išlo brzo – rekao je Bata jednom prilikom o svojoj Luli.

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and Lula Živojinović on the set of Srdjan Dragojevic’ film "Pretty Village, Pretty Flame" ("Lepa sela lepo gore") (1996). “At the Belgrade army hospital, casualties of Bosnian civil war are treated. In the hospital they remember their youth and the war. Two young boys, Halil, a Muslim, and Milan, a Serb, have grown up together near a deserted tunnel linking the Yugoslav cities of Belgrade and Zagreb. They never dare go inside, as they believe an ogre resides there. Twelve years later, during the Bosnian civil war, Milan, who is trapped in the tunnel with his troop, and Halil, find themselves on opposing sides, fatefully heading toward confrontation. While lying wounded in a hospital, a Bosnian Serb named Milan goes through flashbacks of his childhood and different scenes of the war in Bosnia that started in 1992. He and his best friend Halil, a Muslim fighting on the other side, were best friends their whole life and are now fighting on opposite sides. Besides him different characters are shown, and what they did before the war. We are able to see the normal life of a drug addict, a thief or a simple farmer, and how or why they joined the war… Two boyhood friends, a Muslim (Halil) and Serb (Milan) , end up on opposite sides of the fence, during the Bosnian/Serb War. Through flashbacks, we are told the story of their friendship growing up together, and the events that lead to a final confrontation between the two, as Velja leads Muslim forces against a Serb squad Milan is assigned to, trapped in a tunnel, with an American reporter, the two friends use to play in as children. More flashbacks ensue as the reporter interviews the Serbian soldiers, their stories being told on how and why they are fighting this war. In the end, Velja and Milan come face to face, racial hatred for each other running amok, brought about by the horrors of the war both sides have endured…” 🇷🇸”Радња филма почиње у једној београдској војној болници где су смештени рањеници рата у Босни и Херцеговини… #lepaselalepogore #srdjandragojevic #lulazivojinovic

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