Upoznajte Lindsey Coubray: Djevojku alergičnu na vlastite suze

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Alergije svako proljeće i jesen pogađaju veliki broj ljudi te su percipirane kao nešto prolazno. No, postoje i oblici alergija za koje mnogi ne znaju ni da postoje, a jedna od tih je alergija na vodu. 

Vjerujemo da je grozno kao što i zvuči, a to najbolje zna devetnaestogodišnja Lindsey Coubray kojoj je alergija dijagnosticirana prije dvije godine. Svaki mali kontakt s vodom uzrokuje Lindsey probleme s disanjem i kihanjem zbog čega mora koristiti antihistaminike svaki put kada se tušira.

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Already posted this on my personal @ronniedrak.e (feel free to follow for non health related stuff) Anyway, something is up with me at the moment and I can’t work out what it is. I’ve am sick, blood sugar is jumping all over the place, my throat is really sore and all my joints hurt and I am RIDICULOUSLY tired. I’ve taken two days off work and I really don’t wanna take anymore. Just left kind of clueless… #pots #potsie #posturalorthostatictachycardiasyndrome #ehlersdanlossyndrome #eds #chronicillness #fighter #reflexsyncope #aquagenicurticaria #waterallergy #gastroparesis #lowbloodsugar #tachycardia #potsiestrong #keepfighting #hypoglycemia #hypos #diabetes #mcas #mastcellactivationsyndrome

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Djevojka je jedna od 50 poznatih slučajeva u svijetu, a osim što se bori s tuširanjem, rijetko napušta kuću kada je kiša ili snijeg, ne smije plivati pa čak ni piti vodu jer zbog nje joj se u grlu stvaraju čirevi. No, osim što izbjegava kišu, mora izbjegavati i sunce zbog znojenja koje joj, također, stvara problem.

– Teško je preživjeti dan, a mnoge stvari koje drugi uzimaju zdravo za gotovo, meni predstavljaju veliki problem – rekla je za Daily Mail. Lindsey mora paziti i kada kiše, kašlje i plače, a predugi kontakt s vodom stvara joj nesnosni osip koji opisuje kao nepodnošljiv.

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What I go through everyday is so hard. I cry almost everyday and people don’t see this side of me. I try to be as positive as possible all the time, especially at work. Chronic illness sufferers learn to kind of hide the shit they go through. Dermatologist is on the 25th guys and I’m praying someone can help me. I’m so desperate and my POTS is getting worse without drinking water. I’m running on 1% energy and I am using all my will power to stay at work. Going through this every single day is so tough. People that have a few rashes here and there that try to claim they have this condition have no idea. It’s not just the simple case of a few rashes, it’s my body swelling, my lungs closing up, losing the ability to stand. I wish people would stop claiming they have aquagenic Urticaria when they don’t. It’s not a condition to mess around with and it’s upsets me when people claim to have it and try to relate when they have no idea what they are talking about. On a real level though if you are concerned that you might have it, ask me or a doctor. I am willing to talk. But please don’t claim you have it if you haven’t have a diagnosis. What I go through is tough and is just getting tougher for me. Rant over. Just feeling a little bummed out and not good. #pots #potsie #posturalorthostatictachycardiasyndrome #ehlersdanlossyndrome #eds #chronicillness #fighter #reflexsyncope #aquagenicurticaria #waterallergy #gastroparesis #lowbloodsugar #tachycardia #potsiestrong #keepfighting #hypoglycemia #hypos #diabetes #mcas #mastcellactivationsyndrome

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– Mnogi se često pitaju kako je moguće biti alergičan na nešto što čini 70% organizma. Mislim da je teško razumijeti kroz šta ja prolazim te kako je frustrirajuće boriti se s time – priznala je.

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Sorry for the towel photo, but I’m just trying to raise awareness. This condition affects me more than people see. I can’t drink without feeling sick, I can’t go out in the rain, I’m in pain every time I bath or shower. I get breathless and itchy beyond relief. There is limited knowledge of this condition and it is incredibly difficult to find a specialist that knows enough about my condition. There are a few treatments I can’t try due to the country I live in and all my other health problems. @aquagenic.urticaria #pots #potsie #posturalorthostatictachycardiasyndrome #ehlersdanlossyndrome #eds #chronicillness #fighter #reflexsyncope #aquagenicurticaria #waterallergy #gastroparesis #lowbloodsugar #tachycardia #potsiestrong #keepfighting #allergy #hives #livinginpain

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– Oprostite zbog fotografije u peškiru, ali samo pokušavam da podignem svijest o ovoj bolesti. Ovo stanje pogađa me više nego što ljudi vide. Ne mogu da pijem bez da se osjećam bolesnom, ne mogu da izađem na kišu, boli me svaki put kada se kupam ili tuširam, ostajem bez daha i počinjem se gušiti. Postoji ograničeno znanje o ovom stanju i izuzetno je teško naći specijaliste koji dovoljno znaju o mojoj bolesti – napisala je na svom Instagram profilu Lindsey.

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