James Francoa optužen za napad

Piše: Redakcija

Odlomak knjige „This Will Only Hurt a Little“, koji je procurio u javnost, glumica Busy Philipps optužila je glumca i reditelja Jamesa Francoa da ju je fizički napao u toku snimanja show „Freaks and Geeks“. Kako je glumica kazala u svojoj knjizi imali su scenu u kojoj ga je trebala lagano udariti u prsa dok izgovara tekst, našto je on poludio i fizički je napao.

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I sat with the @hollywoodreporter last week to discuss my book This Will Only Hurt A Little and my new late night talk show @busytonighttv and the link is in my profile if you care to read. They initially had a clickbait headline that’s now been changed and I’m glad for that. On that note, my book is 308 pages, not one paragraph. The Franco story is used to illustrate a larger point about the way women are treated in this business and in life. There are no "allegations" and no "accusations". It's a story that I have been telling for years. James apologized. I accepted. And I still get to tell it because it fucking happened to me. Here's a quote from the Hollywood Reporter article, "In the book, you get into how James Franco was difficult to work with on the set of Freaks and Geeks. Busy: It wasn't even outrageous. At the time, 19 and with my first professional acting job, I was under the impression that this was just the way things were. James and I have talked about it over the years. At one point he apologized to me. I was always acutely aware of my expendability, and so I felt I needed to never complain, always show up on time and not be difficult. If someone else was being difficult, it was my job to be the easy one or figure out a way to soothe the situation." Sending you light and love, bbs. ❤️ Also. The pictures are REALLY PRETTY.❤️

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– Zgrabio me za obje ruke i derao mi se u facu: „Da me više nikad nisi dotakla!“ Bacio me na pod, pala sam ravno na leđa. Izbio mi je zrak iz pluća – opisala je glumica.

Kazala je i da su svi prisutni bili užasnuti, a glumica Linda Cardellini, savjetovala joj da nazove svog menadžera. Dodala je i da je Franco bio pravi nasilnik u toku snimanja legendarne američke serije, a iako joj se izvinuo sljedećeg dana, učinio je to samo zato jer su ga šefovi prisilili. Druge posljedice za napad nije snosio. Prošle godine pet žena ga je optužilo za „neprimjereno i seksualno eksploratorno ponašanje“, a pisalo se i da je 17-godišnjakinji predložio da ode s njim u hotelsku sobu. Glumac optužbe nije opovrgnuo nego samo izjavio kako svako ima svoju stranu priče.


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