Super tata: Simon je otac četiri kćerke, a evo kako izgleda njegov običan dan

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Simon Huper je otac četiri kćerke, što je ujedno i njegovo osnovno zanimanje, a popularni Instagram tata čij profil pod nazivom “Father of Daughters” trenutno prati skoro milion fanova, svojevremeno ni samo nije znao ništa o roditeljstvu, a potom su u njegov život došle kćerke. Ono po čemu je ovaj tata poznat, jesu fotografije koje objavljuje skoro bez filtera, što podrazumijeva da ne želi nimalo uljepšavati stvarnost od one kakva zaista jeste. Svakodnevna borba sa njegove dvije najmlađe kćerke bliznakinje postala je viralni hit. Nahraniti, okupati, počešljati i spremiti u krevet, a da pri tome i on sam prvi ne zaspi, njegove su glavne dužnosti.

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How do you tell a child that their pet is now an ex pet? They say 'Don't ever work with children or animals', but with half my family in the middle of the Indian Ocean, that's all I've been left to work with! My adult face to face time has been reduced to idle chat with the Amazon delivery guy as he off loads yet more of @mother_of_daughters secret purchases & as a result, I've been making like Dr. Dolittle & unloading my emotional baggage on 2 innocent hamsters & a dog. This obviously had a profound effect on poor Fluffy the hamster as it sent him spiralling into a deep depression, and this morning I found him in his cage, stiffer than a steel girder. Great. For the second time in my parenting career, I'm the dad that killed his daughters pet while she was on holiday. So here's the challenge, I've got 5 days to figure out how to break the news when she returns without breaking daughters heart – how do I do it?! #ripfluffy #idepressedmypet #bearerofdadnews #help #dadlife #instadad #fod #fatherofdaughters

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Simon je sasvim običan muškarac čije navike su promijenije kćerke koje su ga uvele u stvarni živote pripadnica nježnijeg spola.

-Naša kuća je brzo postala komuna lutaka koje imaju zabranu oblačenja i prigrlile su svoju prirodnu formu. Drugim riječima, to je plastični nudistički kamp- u šali je svojevremeno izjavio Simon, objašnjavajući zašto ponekada ne može proći kroz svoj stan, a da pri tom ne nagazi na neku od igračaka.

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Ah soft play. If you've never been, let me paint a picture for you. Close your eyes & imagine a gigantic fancy hamster cage made from wipe clean surfaces that a rainbow vomited over. Now imagine that cage is in a large room with a thermostat stuck on Sahara desert mode & has the same ventilation as a vacuum chamber. Now imagine what seems like 1000 feral kids ranging in ages from 1 to small adults all thrown in that cage, hydrated only by carbonated drinks and adrenaline, who know they're free from parental supervision for the next hour. Finally add in the stale smell of farts and feet. Congratulations, you're at softplay! @mother_of_daughters suggested we came here while she was out yesterday , but we all know that's code for "I spent 5 hours cleaning up after you lot yesterday & I want you to sod off so there's a chance the house won't look like a squat hit by a dirty bomb when I get home. Fair enough. Soft play it is. #softplay #warehouseoffartsandfeet #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod #

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Život sa pet žena naučio ga je dosta toga. Sada zna šta je to feminizam i kako zaista treba da izgleda jednakost među spolovima. Mi vam donosimo nekoliko zanimljivih fotografija koje jasno oslikavaju Simonovu svakodnevicu.

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To celebrate world book day & to forget the pressures of making costumes, last minute random internet purchases & late nights covered in glue & sweat and smell of self loathing for agreeing to a overally complex costume, today I sat on a panel hosted by @wonderbly to discuss the actual purpose of the day – getting our kids interested in reading. I'm not gonna lie, reading with these 2 can be a battle of patience and perseverance. Questions. So many questions. 1 page forward, 2 pages back. Pauses to let them finish the sentences. Interruptions. So why do we bother? The answer – because reading opens your imagination. It broadens your perspectives & can transport you across the universe in the time it takes you to read a word. Because reading prompts questions & provides answers. Because reading let's you spend time with your kids & do stupid voices. So how did world book Day go for you & what's your favourite bedtime story? #ad #bedtimestories #dothe voices #fatherofdaughters #wonderbly #dadlife #instadad #fod

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Conventional wisdom tells us that the passage of time through space happens at a constant rate forwards, but when you have children, that changes. I can only conclude that there's a rip in the space time continuum right above the girls bedroom as time just vanished this evening, leaving me feeling like I'd be screwed hard by a flux capacitor with anger management issues. One moment it's 6.30pm & I'm rounding them up for a bath, then I blinked & it was 8.15pm the world had fallen apart. Bath time – a tsunami nightmare that would have drowned the entire cast of 'honey I shrunk the kids'. Teeth – a stand off that ended in toothpaste in the eyes. Story time – A jackanory balls up that left me questioning my life choices. Bed time – a yoga session for hyperactive chipmunks that ended with Ottie hiding for 15 minutes in silence & me shouting down the street in the dark because I thought she'd gone (only to be found eating a chocolate egg under Anya's desk covered in a blanket). Of course, as I'd focused all my energy on these 2, the elder ones hadnt even had dinner! It may have only been a total of 1hr 45 minutes but I've aged several years on the process. I'm stongly considering calling Doc Brown to take be back to 2015 so I can get a vasectomy. #doctakemebacktogetavasectomy #ihatetuesday #screwedbyyimetravel #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod

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Holidays can be hard as although school may have broken up, parents can't always take the time off which means we get caught the middle of trying to be present to meet our children's never ending demands to entertain them like a unpaid court jesters while also trying to do our day jobs. Invariably the result is bored kids and frustrated adults who, had we been graded on our half term performance, would have had red circles all over our work & a note at the bottom saying "not your best effort, see me after class". But then there are those days like today when you realise if we stop putting pressure on ourselves to be all things to all people all the time, we're more likely to relax and just enjoy the simple things like having a ice cream on the beach in February. Dialling down the hectic life we make for ourselves & taking things slow isn't a bad thing. It's something we should all do more off from time to time. Glad school starts tomorrow though! #simplethings #februaryicecream #slowdown #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod

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