Dok su bili u vezi princ Harry prevario Meghan?

Piše: Redakcija

Foto: AFP

Prema pisanju stranih medija, princ Harry je navodno imao kratku aferu s britanskom manekenkom Sarah Ann Macklin, u vrijeme kada je već upoznao svoju sadašnju suprugu, 37-godišnju Meghan Markle. Ovo je spomenuto i u novoj knjizi biografije o kraljevskoj porodice , autorice Angele Levin “Harry: A Biography of a Prince”.

Foto: AFP

– Na samom početku veze s Meghan Markle, Harry je odlučio otići na spoj s manekenkom Sarah Ann Macklin. Sreli su se na privatnoj zabavi, a zatim ju je pitao za broj telefona. Počeo joj slati poruke i dogodila se kratka avantura – napisala je Angela.

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World 🌎 earth 🌏 day 💙 Lets talk about food waste – something I’m very passionate about and try to make sure I reduce daily. The UK average household wastes £470 of food a year. Food waste leads to a significant source of methane – a potent greenhouse gas with 21 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide. * So let’s stop wasting food away which doesn’t need to be! Get creative! The biggest food waste are fruits and vegetables. Create a delicious vegetable curry, stir fry, vegetable chili, roasted vegetables or a fruit based desert with them! Use herbs and spices to add flavor to dishes which you feel are bland. My favourite is adding fresh basil and coriander🙏🏻 * 👫Together by changing daily habits we can help look after planet earth 🌏 #worldearthday #elminatefoodwaste photo @moeez

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Podsjećamo, Harry i Meghan su se vjenčali prošle godine, a početkom maja su dobili sina.  


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