Upoznajte ženu koja je ukrala srce Rafaela Nadala prije 14 godina

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Kako se već neko vrijeme šuška, Rafael Nadal u oktobru će oženiti svoju djevojku Mariju Franciscu Perelló sa kojom je u vezi već 14 godina. Marija, djevojka je iz sjenke koja je proslavljenom teniseru najveća podrška već gotovo deceniju i po, a svjetske medije intrigira baš zbog toga što ne voli javno eksponiranje. Marija je skromna i prirodna djevojka, koja se u javnosti uglavnom pojavljuje skromno obučena, bez šminke, a osmijeh na licu uvijek je prisutan. Nadala redovno bodri na turnirima.

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Mariju je Rafael upoznao kao školsku drugaricu svoje sestre Isabelle. Ona je nakon toga studirala u Palma de Mallorci, poslije čega se preselila u London, gdje je paralelno studirala biznis menadžment i engleski jezik.

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So Rafa got really bothered that the wedding news have spread out 😖 . I feel so sorry for Maria and Rafa. They’re very very private about their lives and it’s a pity that someone close to them I assume (?) didn’t respect their privacy. Yup, Rafa Nadal is a public person, but that doesn’t make it right anyway. Being engaged is a special and beautiful thing that may have turned in something stressful for both of them. Just because he is a famous tennis player that doesn’t make him obligated to tell the media what happens in his private life, when he’s getting married and where. Just my humble opinion. Mery and Rafa just wanted to keep it secret. I feel sad that their wanting has been ruined by someone. . As a fan, not going to lie, I‘d love to see photos of this lovely couple on their wedding day, but ONLY if it’s their will to share this special moment with us. Now, I just hope the media will leave them alone and give them some privacy. That’s called respect.

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Marija je inače ostavila posao u jednom osiguravajućem društvu kako bi mogla da vodi projekat fondacije Rafa Nadal, dobrotvorne organizacije osnovane prije skoro deset godina.

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