Milioner (76) čeka blizance s 40 godina mlađom suprugom

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Max Delmege, 75-godišnji britanski milioner i njegova 36-godišnja supruga Sam već godinama pokušavaju postati roditelji. Međutim, nakon nekoliko pobačaja te čak 23 ciklusa umjetne oplodnje ovaj je par podijelio sretne vijesti – u januaru iduće godine na svijet im dolaze blizanci, piše Daily Mail.

Naime, medicinska sestra i milioner na prinovu su čekali čak – šest godina. Kako bi postali roditelji podvrgnuli su se postupku medicinski potpomognute oplodnje, a sve su redovito s pratiteljima dijelili na društvenim mrežama. Nije tajna kako je Sam, u pokušaju da postane majka, pritom nažalost pobacila čak pet puta.


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With shaking hands and the happiest of tears in my eyes, I honestly can’t believe how blessed Max and I are. What has been the longest 6 years of our lives, the hardest time, yet a time we couldn’t give up as 1 goal was on our mind. It’s finally our time to share with everyone that Max and I are expecting not just 1 BUT 2 babies in January 2021. 👶 👶 💫 11 stim cycles 💫 27 embryos 💫 5 miscarriages 💫 hundreds of needles 💫 so many tears and so much heartbreak 💫 168 (or so) eggs collected 💫 3 laparoscopies, 8 D&C’s, 8 hysteroscopies, tubal flushes, intralipids.. the list goes on and on! To say it’s been easy to get this far is an understatement!!! And I doubt it’s going to be easy from here on in. The first 3 months have been horrible for me. I’ve been so sick and had so many days I could barely leave the bed- BUT I am not whinging! But through those tears and the hurt we pushed on under the guidance of Dr. Kee Ong – Reproductive Medicine & Infertility and we never gave up, and he never gave up on us. So for now we know we still have a long way to go but we have been told we are allowed to share our news. All scans, bloods and tests have come back as perfect and today was special when we saw them waving and sticking their Thumbs and flipping around all the while with my Mum and Max there. It was so surreal that this is our time. I am actually going to be a Mumma 🙏🏻 So for now under the guidance of Dr Suhad Hassan – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist we look to the future and pray, wish and hope that we can keep these babies as healthy as possible and safe as possible for as long as possible. On the 10weeks scan we could find out what gender they both are! They are PG normal so a few weeks ago we found out the sex. ❤️ I know this post is triggering for some but please let it give you strength and hope to never give up #pregnancyannouncement #pregnancyafterloss #twinpregnancy #twins #drkeeong #monashivf #drsuhadhassan #delmegebabies

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Brojne je obožavatelje ovog para zato oduševila vijest koju je Sam podijelila na društvenim mrežama. Na Facebooku je, naime, podijelila fotografiju svog trudničkog stomaka, pored koje je napisala: ‘Ovo je bilo šest najdužih godina u našim životima. Ipak, nismo mogli odustati od jednog cilja koji nam je bio na umu. Napokon je došlo vrijeme da sa svima podijelimo da Max i ja očekujemo ne jednu, već dvije bebe koje bi nam trebale stići u januaru’.


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Thankyou everyone for your kind messages yesterday. I couldn’t respond because I was so tired and drugged up to the eye balls that I forgot a lot of what was said to me after surgery. It was an operation I needed 😰 My Endometriosis was back which didn’t surprise me, I had a feeling and it had been nearly 2 years since my last lap but I also had a lot of adhesions 😩 He said my tubes are good which I always knew from previous surgery and he did a lipoidal flush which is said to help with implantation and also a scratch of my lining. Ooh that first pee yesterday 🙊😳 Why the adhesions? I’m not sure. They were sent away to check for infection (if I remember correctly). Adhesions can grow from Endometriosis, inflammation or previous surgery and other reasons. I have never had adhesions before so will be interesting to get the results. I don’t remember what Kee said about my Endo or where it was all I remember was it was back but my adhesions were worse 😢 So that’s a brief understanding of my operation but once I get results I’ll do a proper post. Yesterday was a daze for me. All I remember is waking up and seeing Kee there, id just had 10mg of endone after 100mcg of fentanyl post op and I had 1 eye open trying to focus on him. I wasn’t sure if it was a dream or he was really there 🤔 I often hear Kees voice in my head 🤪 All I remember him saying was “you right mate” 😂 I couldn’t even focus on him or anyone!!!! The recovery nurses were so beautiful like always. Dee & Penny & Siobhan. And of course the best part is seeing all the people at short street. They are such a good group of people. Even Kees new scrub nurse Mel 😍😍😍 So I’m glad I had it done! The pain is bearable but I feel very tender today especially around my belly button area and I am still so tired from the wonderful anaesthetic that Dr Sandler gave me. The shoulder tip pain was horrible last night and trying to sleep, I think because I always sleep on my right side and it is always that shoulder. This is from carbon dioxide irritating the phrenic nerve. It’s still there today but as long as I have my heat bag and I’m sitting 45d upright I am ok. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

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Inače, iako je među njima gotovo 40 godina razlike, Max je u brojnim intervjuima tvrdio kako se u medicinsku sestru zaljubio na prvi pogled, a ona govori kako je osjetila isto. Upoznali su se prije pet godina na – sprovodu, kada je Sam čitala oproštajno pismo pokojniku, Maxovu prijatelju. Ljubav je brzo ‘planula’ te se par uskoro i oženio, i to u zoološkom vrtu te od tad pokušavaju začeti dijete. Na umjetnu su oplodnju potrošili mnogo novca.


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