Dugo je krio svoju bolest: Evo kako danas izgleda jedan od najvećih holivudskih zavodnika

Piše: Redakcija

Poznati glumac Val Kilmer dugo je nosio titulu jednog od najpoželjnijih i najzgodnijih holivudskih zavodnika, no danas izgleda potpuno drugačije. Tome je, osim godina koje su neosporno prošle, doprinijela i činjenica da se slavni glumac u jednom periodu života suočio s teškom dijagnozom koju je u početku nastojao sakriti od javnosti. Naime, sve je počelo 2014. godine kada je Val naglo smršao, a u decembru iste godine je počeo da nosi marame oko vrata. Sve to je njegovim fanovima bilo dovoljno da zaključe da ima tumor, a glumac je 2015. godine dao zvaničnu izjavu povodom toga. 

– Želim da naglasim da nemam tumor. Prosto, imao sam sitnu intervenciju nakon koje mi je vrat natečen. Šal ću nositi dok se sve ne smiri – poručio je on na Facebooku. 

No, u januaru iste godine je hospitaliziran, a mediji su objavili da je došlo do krvarenja iz grla. Iako je i tada negirao da je bolestan, u januaru 2016. godine se pojavila informacija da jedva govori. 

– Usta su mu sva u nekakvim cjevčivama i žicama, a ima i mali ožiljak na vratu – pisalo je u novinama, a njegovi bliski prijatelji su otkrili da glumac boluje od raka grla. 

Ovu informaciju je u julu 2016. godine potvrdila njegova majka koja je izjavila da on ima cancer, ali da ga je izliječio vjerom, tačnije molitvama i meditacijom. Nakon nekog vremena ovu vijest je potvrdio i Val. 

– Tačno je da sam imao rak grla, ali sam ga izliječio. Jezik mi je još natečen, ali se polako oporavljam – rekao je on. 

Pogledajte kako slavni glumac sada izgleda. 

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Staying an extra day to sight see in the greatest capital city on the planet. Not even the madman Napoleon created a city with the genius of the Lincoln memorial lined up with the Washington monument, and they are simply meaningless in photographs compared to being there in person and drinking in the Gettysburg address for example with his imposing sculpture perfectly reflecting his deep and penetrating humility. Our country is a meaningful treasure to inspire the entire planet, e en with the present almost mythic challenges we face today as a nation and around the planet. There will be no monument for this president, I’m guessing. Unless it’s made out of tears and sorrow and a shine of global embarrassment. I can see that. And it’s so hard to believe it’s not over yet.

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In all of my life, all I have ever wanted to do is to use art to educate. As an actor this materializes in the effort to always be entertaining and with flair. Building on that notion, I've always strived to deliver the qualities that my characters had to possess and for a good many, somehow they have lived on. I reckon it is because I have never failed to find a deep and absolutely committed truth that I could believe in and respect. This same dedication is what I have brought to the @twainmania – along with Brad and Dom, who have dedicated their lives to proving there is an inspiration in education that this kind of curriculum will be the litmus test. Last night we got to share our know-how and spirit and plan to prove it right here in Los Angeles, if you give us the chance. Though we can only achieve this nationally, with like-minded believers like you. I can't thank all my friends, who manage to join me, enough. Sanam de Loren of @delorendesign and @santiagoarana with The Agency, sincere gratitude for welcoming me and my guests to your Sky Lane house. And thank YOU for taking your time read this. I hope you’ll take a moment to support this crucial cause. Let's bring empathy, tolerance and literacy to schools together. Learn more and consider a donation by going to the link in my bio and tapping on TwainMania Foundation

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