Bivši zavisnici od droga prije i poslije

Piše: Redakcija

Priče o zavisnosti od narkotika obično ne završavaju dobro. Ipak ima izuzetaka, a “prije i poslije” fotke bivših narkomana jedinstvena su posveta životu.

Projekat The Addicts Diary (Dnevnik zavisnika) zamišljen je kao prostor gdje ljudi koji su osjetili užase narkomanije mogu da podijele svoju priču i možda pomognu nekom drugom ko se suočava sa sličnim problemima ili iskušenjima.

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My ex-husband Joey served in Iraq twice in 2007 and 2009. He was always a proud Marine. He always used some substance throughout his teens and early adulthood. Coming home from Iraq was a struggle for him and he was struggling with PTSD. I was already drowning in addiction when he came home and it didn't take long to follow me into that rabbithole. I've been clean 9 years today, but this is his story not mine. He entered treatment repeatedly through the VA but was never successful for long periods of time. He went from being addicted to narcotic opiate pain pills to suboxone on to heroin then finally meth and subutex. He missed out on everything from baseball games, father/daughter dances, first day of school, kindergarten graduation, and the birth of his fourth child because he couldn't find his way out. He gave up and eventually so did almost everyone else. Except me that is. I couldn't help until he was ready though and one day that happened. Joey was ready and he took the first step and went to detox, then treatment, then transitional, and now he is working, he's rebuilding his relationships with our kids, he is a college student and he celebrates one year today the same day I celebrate 9 years. Again this story is his not mine. He has his light back. There is hope in eyes that were dead for far too long. He is who he has always been meant to be. #TheAddictsDiary

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Ilustracije za te priče jesu “prije i poslije” portreti bivših zavisnika, koji pokazuju njihove nevjerovatne fizičke transformacije nakon što su prestali da koriste droge.

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My name is Emerald. The last year of my heroin and meth addiction had me living in motel rooms and shelters. Both of my sons were taken from me. I was a shell of a human being. Today, I am 21 months drug free! I have custody of both of my boys and I have found peace for the first time in my life. With all the division on Facebook lately, share this to let everyone know that recovery is possible! #TheAddictsDiary #stigma #addictionrecovery #junkie #heroin #meth #wedorecover #theaddictsdiary #blog #hope #miracle #mom #mother #society #spirituality #mental #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #odaat #drugaddicts #addiction #addictionrecovery #drug #drugaddict #drugaddictionrecovery #soberlife #sober #soberaf #sobermovement #godisgood

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My name is Madison and I’m an addict. Kevin and I created a post last year on my accomplishment of sobriety. My story has changed, for the better. My new sobriety date is October 5, 2019. And it means so much more because i can be honest about it. I was in denial that anything people said in these “meetings” was true or helpful. I was convinced that I would be able to use successfully when I completed probation. I thought I could just sit in these meetings, get my paper signed, and dip. When I went through a lot of financial and emotional stress because of a break up; I had not one tool to use when the urge to drink came. I drank after 16 months of dry time. Two months later, when the pain of being alone left me with a feeling like I had nothing to lose, I stopped myself. Maybe these people in these meetings could help me? I hit a bottom in sobriety that turned into relapse, but I knew I was willing to do whatever I could to not let it happen again. I got a sponsor, and began to work the steps. Words cannot describe my gratitude for AA and the freedom it has given me. For 5 years I was homeless on the streets of Paterson, thinking I would die a junkie, and not caring if I did. Almost 2 years ago when I left North Jersey I wasn’t drinking, but inside I was miserable living with untreated alcoholism/addiction. Today, I have my family supporting me, a daughter who I lost in addiction back in my life, goals, integrity, an apartment, ambition, real friends that show up, and most of all I have my higher power working for me and helping me through one day at a time. I now know my medicine for my disease of alcoholism/addiction is giving it all to God and vigilantly working a program. Thanks to everyone for reading. I really hope that my story helps someone. #TheAddictsDiary #selflove #manipulation #narcan #narcansaves #recoverymemes #wedorecover #addicted #addictedheroin #addiction #addict #spirituality #spiritual #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #odaat #hope #faith #sober #soberlife #sobriety

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The first photo to the left was me in my active addiction, using meth, fentanyl, and just about anything I could get my hands on. Homeless, sleeping in cars, on sidewalks, behind dumpsters, or just about anywhere I could find. A complete prey to misery and depression—I was on the verge of suicide. The picture to the right is me with 72 days clean. I have never felt so much better about myself than I do right now. I currently have 75 days clean and sober from all mind-altering substances. I am so very grateful for this program, the 12 steps, and my higher power, for they have brought light back into my life. I’m pregnant with my son as well, and he’s a huge motivation for my sobriety, but I’m staying clean for myself. #TheAddictsDiary #drugaddiction #sobermemes #beforeandafter #recoveringaddict #soberlife #suicideprevention #sober #sobriety #sobrietyrocks #drug #hope #faith #god #godfirst #godisgood #spirituality #spiritualawakening #spirit #spiritualjourney #mentalhealthawareness #mentalillness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealth

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