Dečko voditeljice koja je sebi oduzela život objavio njihove posljednje poruke

Piše: Redakcija

Svjetski mediji ne prestaju pisati o voditeljici Caroline Flack koja je sebi oduzela život nakon što je optužena za fizičko zlostavljanje svog trinaest godina mlađeg dečka Lewisa Burtona. Naime, upravo zbog tog okršaja ju je očekivalo suđenje i mogućih šest mjeseci zatvora. Sve je to uzrokovalo brojne psihičke probleme, zbog kojih je bila na antidepresivima, a mediji pišu i kako je prije smrti upozorila policajce da je suicidalna te da si planira oduzeti život, što je naposljetku to i učinila. Njen bivši dečko Danny Cipriani, objavio je posljednje poruke koje su razmijenili prije njene smrti.

– Hej, crna tačkice. Ok sam, kako si ti? – napisala mu je voditeljica, na što je on odgovorio: „Izgledaš prekrasno na fotografiji. Dobro sam. Navigiram kroz industriju koja mi nikad nije odgovarala. Ali… Još uvijek sam super. Zašto si ti samo ok? Želim da se smiješ“

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Black dot. Before i start. This is my grieving process. Which is talking. A lot. Which my friends and family and teammates have had to take this last 10 days because I’m grieving. And I’m grieving hard. Hence I’m talking a lot. I’m not sure I’d be strong enough if I didn’t understand or see myself in her. Pain is pain. It doesn’t matter if you’ve lost a cat. Or been called a name. No ones pain is worse or less. Because it is individual to them and how they take it. So… Black dot. If you judge the first pic you see a black dot. But i didn’t really know what she meant when she called me black dot. Until her best friend told me on Sunday last week. ‘She used to call you black dot, now i know, your WhatsApp pic is a black dot’ – so i changed my WhatsApp pic to a black dot about 5 months ago because i felt there were people who had my number who i couldn’t trust. Ultimately i would have let them into my life. So ultimately i would have to ask myself why. Anyway. This story is about the beauty she found in a situation i found uncomfortable. ‘I’m just talking to black dot’ she would say. She was kind beyond belief. And she would think i am crazy doing all this. But i know she would be proud. I’m taking lent off social media. Thank you all for the kind messages. And all the lovely response. Thank you for the bad response. It’s my story. And i did it for me. Then her – she wasn’t allowed to talk to her BF throughout the case because of the law. He wanted the charges dropped. They wanted to pursue. I am not pointing fingers. The CPS and police do a good job. Just saying we can’t always do a good job. This is my grieving process. Our greatest strength is our greatest weakness ❤️ ps – I was shown how to disable comments. So I’m going to do so on this post. Because it’s for me and my grieving process. But in a month i will be back on social because that’s 2020 and this is me navigating my way through life

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Na njegovu poruku voditeljica je kratko odgovorila: „Pa imam suđenje uskoro“.

Sportista se o smrti bivše djevojke oglasio na društvenim mrežama. Na Instagramu je objavio fotografije poruka te dodao da će se na neko vrijeme povući s društvenih mreža jer tuguje zbog gubitka bivše djevojke.

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