7 otrovnih biljaka koje možda imate u svom vrtu

Piše: Redakcija



  1. Rododendron

Dolazi od grčkih riječi rodon i dendron, što u prijevodu znači stablo ili drvo ruža. Azalejama se nazivaju vrste manjeg rasta kojima zimi otpada lišće, dok je ostalim vrstama lišće zimzeleno, gusto i kožasto. Cvjetovi rododendrona su atraktivni, bujni, gusto skupljeni u cvatove i uglavnom živih boja, od nijansi žute, narančaste, crvene, grimizne i ružičaste do bijele boje. Osim po veličini i boji cvjetova, razlikuju se i po mirisu, pa su tako neke vrste mirisne, dok druge nisu. Ova predivna biljka je savršen ukras za vaše dvorište. No, budite jako oprezni, jer konzumacijom cvijeta, stabljike ili lista ove biljke može doći do opasnog trovanja. Glavni simptomi trovanja su bol u stomaku, poteškoće u disanju, paraliza, koma pa čak i smrt.

  1. Oleander

Oleander nerium zimzeleni je grm, može doseći visinu od 5 metra pa čak i više. Poput ostalih cvatućih grmova održava se orezivanjem nakon cvatnje, no može se oblikovati i u malena stabla. Tada se ostavlja jedna, može i dvije ili tri najljepše grane, ostale se režu u razini tla. Želimo li oleander određene visine, obavezno ga treba orezivati u mjesecima mirovanja. Oleander cvjeta u bijeloj, rozoj i crvenoj boji. Vrlo je lijep i djeca ga često beru. Međutim, dovoljan je samo jedan list da bi se dijete otrovalo. Simptomi trovanja uključuju drhtavicu, usporene otkucaje srca i pospanost.

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This Road holds Stories …. the road to our village! Life on the island Meryl’s aka Janet’s style of life! Janet's Signature Greek Rustics – Captured Whilst Trail Running or Beach Bumming – (Island Life) {Mastichari – Kos Island} [Dodecanese, Aegean, Greece] (Stay-Hol-Cation) – Sunsets, Sunrises, Sailing, Rustic Door and Windows & Exploring with Greek Gods….. Trail Running + Cow Yoga, Keto eating / Beer hydration Hippy Woman, No Science Journals to been seen! #motherandson #instatraveling #bastianwillicott #instagreece #dodecanese #aegean #greece #thefieryfreckle #nurture #staycation #greekislands #islandlife #rustic #instadaily #instaphoto #training #nature #fitspo #trailrunning #flora #photography #kos #mastichari #sunrise_sunsets_aroundworld #foodie #powerofnow #ourgreekhome #oleander #sailing #islandhopping

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  1. Kukuta

Kukuta je dvogodišnja biljka s jakom i dugačkom stabljikom koja je iznutra šuplja, a izvana posuta crvenim i plavim mrljama. Dosiže i do 2,5 m u visinu. Razgranate stabljike imaju dvostruko perasto izrezane listove. Cvijet je bijeli i tvori štitasti cvat. Plod kukute je okruglastog oblika. Cvate u svibnju i lipnju. Ako imate kućne ljubimce, obavezno ga uništite. Otrov iz kukute miriše na mrkvu i privlači ljubimce. Ako se pojede, direktno napada nervni sistem. Također može, kako kod životinja tako i kod ljudi, izazvati padavicu pa čak i smrt.

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So I deleted my last post about Water Hemlock because I discovered this is actually something called Angelica Arguta which looks nearly IDENTICAL to Water Hemlock… and as stated in a previous post, sometimes just the subtle difference in leaves is the difference between something poisonous and something not poisonous. * * I was pretty sure this was Water Hemlock, but something still felt slightly off. You would not believe how many hours I stared at a blurry picture I took of the leaves, trying to compare it to pictures of leaves from other lookalike plants. Although strikingly similar, there are a few key differences to tell apart Water Hemlock (cicuta douglasii) from Angelica Arguta. * * The first difference is that the leaves are obviously “sheathed” at the base where they connect to the stem. The second – probably the most important yet so subtle – is the veins of the leaves. The veins of Water Hemlock will end at the “valleys” of the leaf, while the veins of Angelica Arguta will end at the “peaks” or points of the leaf. * * I’ve read about Water Hemlock many times while researching different herbs. One of the most poisonous plants in North America, it is often confused with several other different plants (some of which are edible), but is a FATAL mistake if ingested. It can kill within an hour or two and there is currently no antidote for this poisonous plant. Even touching this plant for extended periods can cause the poisonous oils to absorb into the body through the skin, so always wear protective gloves and clothing when handling or touching. * * There are two types of Hemlock: Water Hemlock (cicuta) and Poison Hemlock (conium). Both are poisonous and kill within a couple hours, but poison hemlock is obviously the more poisonous of the two as its name suggests. Oddly enough, the more poisonous hemlock kills much more peacefully, whereas Water Hemlock kills extremely violently. * * Other lookalikes: Poison Hemlock, Water Hemlock, Queen Anne’s Lace, Cow Parsnip, Water Parsnip, Hogweed, Caraway, Yarrow, Elderberry/Elderflower

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  1. Žuti narcis

Narcis ili sunovrat (lat. Narcissus) je biljni rod porodice Amaryllidaceae. Postoji oko 26 vrsta divljih narcisa i nekoliko stotina kultiviranih vrsta. Postoje dvije teorije o tome kako je cvijet dobio ime. Prva je ta da je ime dobio zbog svojih narkotičkih svojstava (od grč. narke – ukočenost, gubitak čula), a druga da je ime nastalo prema mladiću Narcisu iz grčke mitologije. Kod žutog narcisa najotrovniji dio predstavlja njegova lukovica. Iako predivno izgleda, razmislite dva puta prije nego ga posadite. Ukoliko posumnjate da ga je vaš ljubimac pojeo, odmah ga odvedite kod veterinara. Simptomi koji se javljaju nakon konzumacije žutog narcisa su dijareja, povraćanje, drhtanje, grčevi i aritmija.


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