Baka koja je pila šaku lijekova dnevno danas je fitness ikona

Piše: Redakcija

Joan MacDoanld iz Ontarija živi je dokaz da je transformacija moguća u svakom periodu života pa čak i u poznim godinama. Zahvaljujući svojoj kćerki koja se i sama bavi sportom Joan je je od bake s boljkama tipičnim za njene godine postala fitness ikona.

Ova 73-godišnjakinja uspjela je u deset mjeseci potpuno preobraziti svoju figuru. U januaru 2017. imala je 90 kilograma. U manje od godinu redovnim vježbanjem (svakodnevnim treninzima u teretani i prakticiranjem joge) te  zdravom prehranom smršala je 25 kilograma i konfekcijski broj 22 zamijenila s brojem 16. 

Trenira svakodnevno u teretani, prakticira jogu i pažljivo bira što jede.

No, to što je dovela figuru do savršenstva nije najveći benefit njenog novog životnog stila. MacDonald je riješila zdravstvene probleme do te mjere da više ne pije lijekove za pritisak, holesterol te brojna druga medicinska stanja, a ni koljeno je ne boli.

Kada je dostigla željenu kilažu, MacDonald je otvorila Instagram profil te postala jako popularna. Trenutno ima 88.000 pratitelja. Svakodnevno objavljuje snimke treninga i motivacijske poruke kako bi potaknula vršnjake da promijene život na bolje. 

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I’ve been at this body recomposition thing for over two years now and I have to admit, even I get a little shocked at the changes. 😅 Listen, if even I can build up some muscle and tighten up my skin at 73 years old, you can to. The key is consistency . Trust me, I AM NOT PERFECT! Far from it! 😆😆 👵👵👵 . . I am always getting in trouble with my daughter @yourhealthyhedonista for not eating enough vegetables or mixing up my macros. BUT I keep trying, I take every day with a grain of salt and a dash of sweat. I try to really lift hard at the gym but I also know when I need to see my chiropractor. I still spend lots of times with my friends and my hobbies. I really try to stay balanced. 🙏 Just stay on track and go at your own pace. Don’t ever stop. This is for YOU 💗💗 . My daughter tells me we will be putting together three months worth of programs for beginners when I’m in Tulum June 12th. These will be available as e-Books on her website . If there is anything you want to know about or have me talk about, please start asking now so I can address it in these little books and videos. I hope all of this will help you as much as I’ve been helped. 🙏 . Have a wonderful day everybody. Be proud of yourself. Make yourself proud through your actions. Chose optimism. Smile inside and on the outside. Love yourself. Live! 🦋🦋🦋 . . #transformation #age #ageing #grandma #fitspiration

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