Bivša Miss Australije, bosanskih korijena uživa u slatkom iščekivanju

Piše: A. Z.

Monika Radulović 2015. godine pobijedila na takmičenju Miss Universe Australije, a sada lijepa 29-godišnjakinja očekuje svoje prvo dijete sa suprugom, umjetnikom Alesandrom Ljubičićem za kojeg se udala 2018. godine. Sreću zbog dolaska sina gotovo svakodnevno pokazuju na društvenim mrežama gdje objavljuju zanimljive fotografije u blaženom stanju.

Da lijepoj manekenki godi trudnoća i da jedva čeka da ugleda sina naprosto se vidi.

– Još jedan post ovog looka jer mi se toliko svidio. Mislim da mama neko vrijeme neće ponovo izgledati ovako – kratko je napisala ispod posljednje fotografije.


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Mum & Dad know how to save lives now 😎 Yesterday we and our families had a private baby & child first aid course with @tinyheartseducation and it was absolutely incredible. I pray we never need to use the skills we learnt, but I know we all feel so much more empowered and confident in what to do in case of an emergency now. They provide you with such invaluable information for anyone with babies or children in their lives- I honestly can’t recommend the company enough 🙏🏼 The lovely team have offered a discount using the code “MONIKA10” if you’re interested in taking a course too 🤗 P.S. @alesandroljubicic and I did NOT dress in matching outfits on purpose- this accidentally happens to us on such a regular basis it’s become a joke 😅🤷🏻‍♀️ P.P.S. swipe to see my amazing baby/fur baby multitasking skills 😜

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Podsjećamo, Monikini roditelji, Goran i Vinka došli su u Australiju kao izbjeglice iz Zavidovića, kada je manekenka imala samo četiri godine. Diplomirala je psihologiju na Univerzitetu Western Sydney, a jedna je i od zvijezda popularnog show Survivor.


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You guys know how obsessed I am with collagen and @nutraorganics Waterberry Beauty Collagen is definitely my go-to 💖 It’s packed full of collagen peptides & it tastes amazing so all you have to do is mix it with some cold water and enjoy👌🏼 Drinking it every day is honestly my secret weapon for smooth & soft skin, strong nails & hair AND I truly believe has helped me prevent getting any stretch marks during pregnancy so far! It supports the elasticity of your skin from the inside out and I’m SUCH a fan 🙌🏼 P.S. the lovely team at Nutraorganics have given us a discount code, so use MON15 for 15% off your next purchase 🤗 #nutraorganics #collagenbeauty #monpartner #31weekspregnant

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