Poznatom glumcu dijagnosticiran rak bubrega

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Kanadski glumac i TV voditelj, Cameron Mathison na društvenim mrežama objavio je tužnu vijest. Naime, nakon što je zbog zdravstvenih problema išao na liječničku kontrolu, saznao je da boluje od raka bubrega.

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I have a health situation that I want to share with you all🙏🏼 There are many reasons I love social media, staying connected with you all, sharing fun experiences… well this time I’m asking for your help. About a month ago, I had an MRI for some gut issues I’ve been having, and during that MRI they found a tumor on my right kidney. It’s consistent with Renal Cell Carcinoma … or kidney cancer. The good news is that it hasn’t spread to any other organs🙏🏼 They say my healthy lifestyle and diet has no doubt helped keep it from growing and spreading to other areas, as doctors think it’s been growing in me for minimum 10 years🙏🏼. I am extremely lucky that we found it early. Thank you to my longtime friend and urologist @jon_giddens who has helped me tremendously through this process. Vanessa, Lucas and Leila have been absolutely amazing with their love and support… as have my mom, dad, brother, and everyone at Home and Family, Hallmark, and ET❤️ My surgery is scheduled on September 12th, I was hoping to receive positive thoughts, prayers, or whatever you feel comfortable with, on 9/12 (my surgery is at 1pm PST) 🙏🏼 I announced this on @homeandfamilytv yesterday, and wanted to make sure I posted about it here as well. Feeling very grateful and optimistic!! 💪🏼🙏🏼❤️ #thankyou yes

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-Iz mnogo razloga volim društvene mreže. Na taj način ostajemo povezani i mogu dijeliti sretne trenutke s vama. Ipak, ovoga puta trebam vašu pomoć. Prije otprilike mjesec dana bio sam na magnetskoj rezonanci zbog zdravstvenih problema i doktori su otkrili da na desnom bubregu imam tumor. Srećom, nije se proširio na ostale organe. Doktori kažu da je moj zdrav način života svakako pomogao držati karcinom pod kontrolom, a smatraju da on u meni raste minimalno deset godina. Jako sam zahvalan što su ga otkrili na vrijeme – napisao je Cameron na Instagramu.

Dodao je i da u oktobru ide na operaciju te je naglasio kako mu je porodica , supruga Vanessa te njihovo dvoje djece, najveća podrška.



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