Ella Dvornik: Priznajem, licemjerna sam

Piše: Redakcija

Poznata lifestyle blogerica Ella Dvornik na svom Instagram profilu često dijeli trenutke iz  privatnog života, te je  sada s fanovima podijelila svoja razmišljanja o prelasku na vegansku hranu. Naime, Ella je istakla da ona i Charles ozbiljno razmišljaju o tome da postanu vegani.

– Charles i ja ne jedemo previše mesa. Ne jedemo meso više od dva puta sedmično. Ja volim meso samo u obliku tartara, carpaccia ili u pašticadi. Često kada jedem jela s mesom, meso izostavim. Charles ne jede mnogo crvenog mesa, on voli piletinu. Ne jede čak ni ribu. Pa smo počeli razgovarati o eksperimentiranju s veganskom hranom. Ako ništa, onda barem zbog toga da otkrijemo nove načine pripremanja hrane ili nove ukuse – objasnila je  Ella.

No, to nije bilo sve što je poznata blogerica napisala. 

– Zanimljivo je kako smo se mi navikli na to da jedemo meso svaki dan,  dok je našim djedovima i bakama meso bilo luksuz. Pitam se, koliko bi nas jelo meso da mora ubiti životinju koju jede? Garantujem vam da ja ne bih mogla ubiti životinju.  Licemjerna sam, priznajem. Da moram ubiti životinju koju jedem, 100 posto bih se fokusirala  na biljnu prehranu – dodala je ona.

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Let's talk about food. Charles and I are not big meat eaters. We don't really eat meat more than 2 times a week. I personaly don't like to eat meat in any form other than tartar, carpaccio or pasticada. Often when i have a meat dish, i leave out the meat. Charles on the otherhand doesn't eat red meat much, he prefers only chicken. He doesn't even eat fish. So we got talking about experimenting with vegan food. If nothing for the sole purpose of learning about new ways of preparing it and discovering new tastes. I know there is some sort of stigma in society when it comes to #veganism but we went to a vegan restaurant recently (not in this photo) and we discovered that it is in fact interesting and tasty, and we did feel full and content for quite a long period. It's interesting how we as humans have adapted to eating meat almost every day, yet our grandparents thought meat was a luxury item. I wonder how many of us would eat meat if we had to kill the animal ourselves? I guarantee you, i could not kill an animal with my hands, or any form of weapon. I am a hypocrit. I am ashamed to admit it. If i had to kill an animal to eat it, i am 100% sure, id be plant based. Just my thoughts…. What do you think? P. S im not vegan or vegetarian…. Yet 🤗 thinking about it #vegans #vegetarians #food

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